
3 Strand Back Splice

3-Strand Back Splice

Class 1 3-strand ropes are made from any or all of the following fibers: Olefin, Polyester, Nylon
Although the 3-strand splice is the most common splice, and simple to perform, technique is important to preserve splice strength. Take care that the tucks lie neatly; rope strength can be lost if the strands are twisted incorrectly.
Tools Required: Fid; tape or whipping twine; marking pen, scissors or a sharp knife; hot knife or heat source ; ruler.


To neatly finish the end of a twisted line, tape the main body of the line 6 crowns from its end to keep it from unraveling. Unlay the strands and tape the ends. Lay the right hand strand across the other two as shown.
3-strand back splice

3 trand back spliceSTEP 2

Tuck the left hand strand over the first strand, behind the center strand, and back over the right hand strand. Remove tape from the main line and pull the strands snug.


Tuck the strands in sequence, over and under the strands in the main body of the line, working against the twist as in the short splice. Clip protruding ends and roll the splice to smooth out.
Back splicing three strand rope gives your line a finished touch


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