Double Braid End-For-End Splice
Machovec is proud to bring you these
rope splicing instructions. Eye splicing a rope is one of the most asked
for procedures. Having a permanently fixed loop (eye splice) on a rope end
removes the need to tie and then untie a knot each time you wish to use
it. Rope splicing is a very strong method of fixing a loop eye; as the
rope is pulled tighter so the spliced strands become more and more
squeezed and locked into place. Rope splicing removes the worry of a knot
becoming undone and a spliced eye is less bulky. You can buy 3-strand,
8-strand or 12-strand rope with an eye already spliced in or you you can
make your own by following these instructions for eye splicing a rope.
STEP 1 - Mark & Extract
Mark the two ends in the same manner as
step 1 of the Double Braid Eye Splice
directions. (Use 1 short fid length as the measurement from "A" to "B" to
replace the "eye size") Tie slip knots on each end as per previous
directions. Extract and mark cores per step 2
of the eye splice directions.
STEP 2 - Insert Cover & Taper
Attach the fid to cover tail 1 and
insert into core 2. Repeat with cover tail 2 and core 1. Cut and remove
strands per step 4 in eye splice
STEP 3 - Insert Core into Cover
Insert core tail 1 into cover tail 2 at
"C", per step 5 in eye splice directions.
Repeat with core tail 2 into cover tail 1.
STEP 4 - Tighten Crossover & Bury Tails
Taper the core tails as per step 6 on
eye splice instructions. Hold the rope at the crossover and smooth down
each side to bury tails.
STEP 5 - Bury the Crossover
To bury the crossover points, use the
directions in step 7 of the eye splice
instructions. Some slack may develop between points "A" and "B", the eye
portion of the splice. Smooth the slack from "A" toward "B" and sharply
yank "A" away from "B". Stitch and whip each end at mark "B" and seize the
crossover area.
*Constant diameter
splices, which reduce the diameter of the crossover area to approximate
the ropes actual diameter, will significantly reduce strength performance.
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